Regalia is preferred and will be required for those wishing to march during the ceremony processional and recessional. The President’s Office will pay the cost for anyone needing to rent regalia. For ...
The four bright banners carried in the academic procession are called gonfalons. The red, white, black and gray gonfalon represents the university; in blue, gray and burgundy it represents the School ...
A former senator says senior most members of different faculties were a part of the academic procession in which usually ...
The processional will start at approximately 35 minutes before each ceremony published start time. If an emergency causes you to arrive after the start of the academic procession, DO NOT enter the ...
At Commencement, the Smith College mace is carried at the head of the academic procession. It was given to the college in honor of Florence Macdonald ’32 by the three presidents of the college and the ...
The Elliott Hall of Music will be open for guest seating 90 minutes prior to each ceremony. Once the academic procession begins entering the auditorium, no guests will be seated until the procession ...
The Mass does not feature an academic procession. Delegates may check -in on the porch of the J. Edgar and Louise S. Monroe Library, located directly across the quad from the West Road Garage, on ...
New Delhi- Maulana Azad Medical College (MAMC) is soon going to celebrate its 65th Annual Day in the college auditorium. In ...
At Commencement, the Smith College mace is carried at the head of the academic procession. It was given to the college in honor of Florence Macdonald ’32 by the three presidents of the college and the ...