However, if your baby is still breech when labor begins, you and your doctor will have to decide between having a C-section ...
Sometimes all that is required is a shift in mind-set, says Jennifer, a 25-year-old mother of one: "I had to plan a C-section when my baby was found to be breech two weeks before my due date.
Background Most countries recommend planned cesarean section in breech deliveries, which is considered safer than vaginal delivery. As one of few countries in the western world Norway has ...
There could be many different reasons your doctor recommends a C-Section, it could be because your baby is breech, or because ...
Breech babies who are born naturally are twice as likely to die as those delivered by planned Caesarean section, doctors warned yesterday. Women who try for a natural birth when their baby is in ...
The risk of reverting to breech is lower closer to term, but the bigger the baby, the harder it is to turn. The procedure can be uncomfortable, but avoids a cesarean section, which is most likely ...
Furthermore, the chance of an adverse outcome due to vaginal breech delivery or emergency cesarean was not incorporated into these different studies. Although the risk of adverse events ...