Stay me with flagons, comfort me with apples: for I am sick of love.” — The Song of Solomon, 2:5. For a little over a quarter ...
Grey’s Social Eatery is opening today in the ByWard Market at the site of the former Blue Cactus Bar and Grill.
Recently, the Citizen launched an occasional series on the ByWard Market, starting with a letter from the editor titled: The ByWard Market needs to be fixed. The Citizen wants to help. Several readers ...
Dunn’s Famous Deli on Dalhousie Street is closing March 23, ending its 18-year run because the ByWard Market eatery’s business never recovered to pre-COVID levels, its owner says. “We’re sad to leave ...
This is the ideal place for fresh produce or a cheap meal ... businesses (reviewers were especially fond of the pubs). The ByWard Market includes George Street North, Dalhousie Street from George ...
Several business owners in Ottawa's ByWard Market say aggressive bylaw enforcement is making ... acting as "scouts," monitoring for bylaw officers while the deliveries take place. "Bylaw officers are ...
My favourite place downtown was the ByWard Market. I have seen changes throughout the years, the loss of some interesting shops and great restaurants but the biggest loss was the farmers’ market.