The Space-Time Smackdown expansion is a few weeks old now in Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket, and it has shifted the game’s competitive landscape by leaps and bounds. Up to this point, Psychic decks ...
Now that there are three expansions out, while there are plenty of powerful new cards to be aware of (Darkrai ex is a popular breakaway), Pokémon TCG Pocket is finally in a place where the meta ...
The Space-Time Smackdown update features Gen 4 Pokemon like Darkrai Ex in a unique deck ... Pokemon TCG Pocket has already amassed over 400 unique cards, not counting secret rares and alternate ...
Trigger Darkrai ex’s Nightmare Aura to deal ... allowing you to manipulate your opponent’s board state. These cards help: Drag vulnerable Pokemon into the Active Spot for an easy KO.
Knowing which cards are good is one thing, but deck-building is another matter entirely. For now, these are the best decks to build in Pokemon TCG Pocket. Darkrai Ex and Magnezone are the breakout ...
Across various new releases of what is now hundreds upon hundreds of cards it's been rare ... Mewtwo, Celebi, Darkrai and, as anyone familiar with my personal TCG toils will know I'm about ...
Arceus ex decks have potential to become some of the most meta decks in Pokemon TCG Pocket, but only if they're set up ...
It takes a lot for some cards to beat huge staples of the meta, such as the stall combo of Darkrai Ex and Magnezone in Pokemon TCG Pocket, or even the raw power of Charizard Ex combined with ...
The most consistent decks in Pokémon TCG Pocket to help you win consecutive battles in the Triumpant Light SP Emblem event.
A Flamin' Hot Cheeto in the shape of a Charizard – a Cheetozard, if you will – sells for $87,840, proving Pokemon fans really will spend their money on anything.