What reviewers say: “I love this mat and I love how easy it is to clean and fold up! This supports my knees and wrists!” Gaiam’s yoga mats are popular for a reason. Glor recommends this one ...
But we liked the Essentials Premium Yoga Mat from Gaiam, a company that has produced well-regarded yoga mats for decades. At $20, this one hits all the basic must-haves: It’s 6 millimeters thick ...
The Liforme Yoga Mat is more expensive at £114.95 and it comes with a yoga bag for easy travelling. Another option if you’re looking for grip is the Gaiam Yoga Mat. This is a brilliant budget ...
Gaiam’s TV partnership with Comcast leverages the retailer’s reputation as a well-known provider of yoga and fitness instruction videos to drive subscriptions to the companies’ joint on ...