A $4.5M Koenigsegg Agera RST takes on a Tesla Model X Plaid in a drag race—and the results are not what you'd expect.
When you have the kind of disposable income needed to afford a Koenigsegg, you likely have the extra cash to commission a one-of-one special edition. This is the case with this one-of-one 2018 ...
The last ever Koenigsegg Agera R to be produced is on sale for £1.225 million + VAT – or £1.47 million including UK taxes. With just one year, one owner and 1500 miles under its belt ...
This is the case with this one-of-one 2018 Koenigsegg Agera RS “Phoenix,” originally commissioned for well-known entrepreneur and collector Manny Khoshbin to replace his previous one-of-one ...