Miami University has revealed the nine-figure price tag on its replacement arena for Millett Hall.
Miami University officials have chosen a proposed campus site for a new sports arena as part of their recommended plan to replace the school’s aging Millet Hall sports venue. University ...
The proposed arena will be located on the Cook Field site, where U.S. Route 27 intersects with State Route 73 on the Oxford campus. The new facility is set to offer more amenities ...
Gilbert Arenas has unearthed some new information about Michael Jordan that he plans to use on his inevitable debate with ...
OXFORD, Ohio (WKRC) - Miami University leaders have identified their preferred location for a new sports arena on the Oxford campus, aiming to replace the aging Millett Hall, which has stood for ...
Miami University’s next sports arena may be in the heart of its campus, replacing a large recreational field now used by students, school officials said today after the approval of preliminary ...
Former NBA guard Gilbert Arenas recently revealed that the Miami Heat tried to trade LeBron James to the Orlando Magic for ...