Fleming presented his findings in 1929, but they raised little interest. He published a report on penicillin and its potential uses in the British Journal of Experimental Pathology. Fleming worked ...
“Penicillin is, I would argue ... Fleming’s work might have been relegated to the scrap heap of history if Ernst Chain, then a biochemist at Oxford University, had not found the 1929 paper nearly a ...
Penicillin antibiotics are historically significant ... Most of the content on A History of the World is created by the contributors, who are the museums and members of the public.
Today we know more about the downsides of antibiotics, but penicillin still remains as a significant milestone in the history of medicines.
The medicinal potential of penicillin was accidentally discovered by the Scottish scientist Alexander Flemming in 1928The chemical structure of penicillin was worked out using X-ray ...