Puck explains how it came to pass that Titania fell in love with Bottom whose head has been metamorphosed into that of a donkey's. Hermia is ordered by her father, to marry Demetrius, who is loved ...
In April, FSBT will present a new production of "A Midsummer Night ... with the characters, music and costumes continuing the cultural theme. Bottom, the infamous donkey Titania falls for as part of ...
Hermia is one of the main characters from A Midsummer Night’s Dream ... They are followed by Helena and Demetrius. Image caption, Puck accidently puts love potion in Lysander’s eyes, causing ...
Helena is one of the main characters from A Midsummer Night’s Dream ... and Helena and Demetrius follow them. Image caption, Puck accidentally makes both Lysander and Demetrius fall in love ...
Oberon demands the flower filled with love-juice that Puck has brought him. He says he will apply it to Titania and orders Puck to pour some of the love-juice onto Demetrius who spurns the love of ...