Approaching the end of March, domestic aluminum ingot inventory plummeted by 25,000 mt mid-week, nearing the 800,000 mt mark.
"We have identified 47 new strategic projects that will, for the first time, help us secure domestic raw material supplies. This is a landmark moment for European sovereignty as an industrial power," ...
In the near future, coke supply will increase slightly, and steel mills will continue to resume production, increasing coke consumption and restocking willingness. Coke enterprise coke inventory is ...
Nickel prices surged in the early session and then slightly pulled back. The mainstream spot premiums for Jinchuan No. 1 nickel were quoted in the range of 1,500-1,800 yuan/mt, with an average premium ...
Lead Prices Reverse and Pull Back, Spot Market Transactions Show Significant Divergence】 SMM March 28: In the Shanghai market, Chihong lead was quoted at 17,425-17,475 yuan/mt, with a premium of 0-50 ...
News: Today, spot prices of #1 copper cathode against the SHFE copper 2504 contract were reported at a discount of 30-25 yuan/mt, with an average discount of 5 yuan/mt, up 25 yuan/mt from the previous ...
The SHFE aluminum experienced a significant decline today. As the weekend approached, suppliers intended to raise prices for shipments. Although downstream buyers bargained down purchasing prices, the ...
Review: Silver Prices Surge Sharply, Downstream Cautiously Wait and See with Thin Trading. According to SMM, the spot warrant premiums and discounts for standard silver ingots in Shanghai today ranged ...
SMM's new weekly price points for Indonesia's local laterite nickel ore officially online! The new price points include: SMM Indonesia's local laterite nickel ore 1.3% (ex-factory price), Indonesia's ...
Futures Market Declined, Market Transactions Improved. The mainstream transaction price of Guangdong 0# zinc ranged from 23,915 to 23,690 yuan/mt. The mainstream brands quoted a discount of 25 yuan/mt ...
Survey on Aluminum Downstream] The operating rate of leading domestic aluminum downstream processing enterprises rose 0.6 ...
On March 28, the SMM battery-grade nickel sulphate index price was 28,023 yuan/mt, with the quotation range for battery-grade nickel sulphate at 27,970-28,550 yuan/mt, and the average price remained ...