DEAR ABBY: How do I politely tell people I don’t like having anyone visit me in my home? My home is my safe haven. The energy of the outside world drains me, and I don’t want that feeling ...
DEAR ABBY: I am a troubled older man. I was married with three children, but I drank too much. My wife and I divorced after 20 years of marriage. We were both flawed. I have been remarried and ...
DEAR ABBY: Is it OK to grieve the loss of an ex-husband from your early 20s if you’ve been happily married to someone else for 35 years? I’m not sure my present husband wouldn’t somehow be ...
DEAR ABBY: Am I obligated to give people a free ride just because I am going to the same place or in the same direction? Too often people who barely speak to us suddenly remember we exist when ...
DEAR ABBY: I lost my husband in the middle of last summer. He had a long illness with strokes and Alzheimer’s, and he was horrible to me. Out of our entire 40 years of marriage, we had only four ...
DEAR ABBY: When my niece walks into a room, she immediately takes over any conversations in progress. Everyone has allowed this to continue, so I assume they are OK with it. However, I find it ...
DEAR ABBY: How do I politely tell people I don’t like having anyone visit me in my home? My home is my safe haven. The energy of the outside world drains me, and I don’t want that feeling ...
DEAR ABBY: How do I politely tell people I don’t like having anyone visit me in my home? My home is my safe haven. The energy of the outside world drains me, and I don’t want that feeling ...
DEAR ABBY: When my niece walks into a room, she immediately takes over any conversations in progress. Everyone has allowed this to continue, so I assume they are OK with it. However, I find it ...
DEAR ABBY: I am married with two children, 6 and 4. I love them and my wife. When I met her, I knew she was a little messy. I am neat, tidy and generally organized. Over time, her behavior ...
Dear Abby: I lost my husband in the middle of last summer. He had a long illness with strokes and Alzheimer’s, and he was horrible to me. Out of our entire 40 years of marriage, we had only four ...
The couple are the stars of the brand's new Wedding Shop campaign — and the photos are hot, hot, hot SKIMS Wedding style looks good on Patrick Schwarzenegger and Abby Champion! The White Lotus ...