An Aberdeen Angus cross heifer from Messrs Weir, Cortleferry, topped Harrison and Hetherington 's show and sale of native cattle when selling at £2650. Bullocks reached £2500 for an Aberdeen Angus ...
Discover the highlights of Lanark's spring sale, where top cattle sold for impressive prices. A Shorthorn bullock took the championship at £2480.
The beef trade remains in a very positive position this week. Factories are back to a four-day kill with the St Patrick's Day ...
Adam Woods has the latest on this week’s beef trade and what the latest quotes are for factory-finished cattle.
Beef cattle prices in the UK are fast approaching £7 (€8.30) per deadweight kg, or close to £3,000 (€3,550) liveweight, which ...
El Gaucho has dominated the haute beef scene in Marbella for 11 years already offering the best parilla-grilled beef from ...
Here’ are some Dorset spring walks to inspire you.... Spring Stroll at Langdon Hill Woods. from Sue Dampney, Dorset AONB Team. This is a favourite walk at any time of year, but ...
It all started in Stirling with the Aberdeen Angus and Beef Shorthorn bull sales ... The facilities and layout were first class, and the cattle looked outstanding. While there were no overly ...
A Cumbrian MP has pledged to listen to farmers and advocate for their interests in Parliament following a meeting in his constituency.