From the moment Astro Boy first aired on NBC in 1963, anime has been a part of American TV-watching habits, whether audiences knew they were watching anime, or thought it was just another cartoon.
Players can also download a new God of War 20th anniversary fan kit, which includes new banners, icons, and desktop and mobile wallpapers. In addition to all the in-game content, PlayStation has ...
Anime fans -- as you know if you have any living in your house -- are passionate about the characters and series they love. This list includes some of our favorites for teens and older tweens. Some of ...
Before we get onto the games, we want to qualify our methodology. Editor Kes and Staff Writers Lee, Sean, and Jamie all have some experience with any given PS4 game. We're using that knowledge ...
FragPunk developer Bad Guitar Studio has issued an apology after it mocked the shutdown of Spectre: Divide and the closure of its developer.