Baseball has been undergoing some pretty dramatic changes. The sport may still be timeless in a sense, but it is now timed.
Teams won 52.2% of their ball/strike challenges during the spring training test of robot umpires, and catchers had a markedly ...
Senate confirmation hearing to be chief justice of the United States Supreme Court, John Roberts famously invoked America's national pastime in ...
Senate confirmation hearing to be chief justice of the United States Supreme Court, John Roberts famously invoked America’s ...
John G. Roberts Jr. is not standing up for balance when he criticizes President Trump; he's just sacrificing credibility.
John G. Roberts Jr. is not standing up for balance when he criticizes President Trump; he's just sacrificing credibility.
Senate confirmation hearing to be chief justice of the United States Supreme Court, John Roberts famously invoked America's ...
Senate confirmation hearing to be chief justice of the United States Supreme Court, John Roberts famously invoked America's ...
DAVY ANDREWS: Absolutely. The rule book strike zone, which is the one even now in spring training that umpires are calling, is the area over home plate, which is pentagonal, and it’s between the ...
Cricket leagues followed in 2009, incorporating it to help umpires make what are known as “leg before wicket” calls, among others. And professional soccer leagues started using the technology in 2012 ...
The Blue Convention is a major event for umpires organized by Softball Canada every three years. Officials of ALL levels from across the country (and internationally) meet to discuss a variety of ...