New research suggests that people who take significantly longer to start the dream phase of sleep may be showing an early ...
Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is characterized by a host of recognizable cognitive symptoms, but many non-cognitive symptoms like ...
Research shows experimental anti-amyloid drug reduced cognitive symptom risk by 50% in people with rare genetic mutations ...
Discover practical lifestyle changes to reduce your Alzheimer's risk and protect your brain health through diet, exercise, ...
Dementia is a brain disease that affects cognitive function, but an early stage of the condition could be identified by ...
From childhood through middle school, I considered my life “normal.” My worries consisted of homework, grades and sports.
A new international study has offered hope that Alzheimer’s disease may one day be preventable—at least in people genetically ...
Ten million people are diagnosed with dementia worldwide each year – that’s more than ever. According to the Alzheimer’s ...
An experimental drug has shown promise in preventing Alzheimer’s for people at higher risk of developing the disease.
Scientists report long-term gantenerumab use might prevent cognitive decline in people with genetic predisposition to ...
For some people with a high risk of Alzheimer's who received a drug called gantenerumab for eight years, their risk of ...
For the first time, scientists say, they have evidence that using a biologic drug to remove sticky beta amyloid plaques from the brains<a class="excerpt-read-more" href=" More ...