A controversial proposal to repeal a law that prevents people under age 21 from buying rifles and shotguns in Florida is ...
Network-Florida Opinion journalists want to make sure that a bill to protect our beloved parks from development passes into ...
As Florida proclaims Tuskegee Airman Day a state holiday, is it time for the U.S. to create a new federal holiday to ...
Bradley, a Republican from Clay County, is one of four co-sponsors on Senate Bill 80, the State Park Preservation Act filed ...
Governor floats idea. General public hates idea and organizes protests. Governor backs down. New legislation is introduced to ...
Florida SB 80 and HB 209 are well-intentioned with many good provisions. But without a few tweaks, these bills may not ...
The Florida State Appropriations Committee has proposed a bill that would create the Agency for State Systems and Enterprise ...
BROADCAST TRANSCRIPT: Senate President Ben Albritton says the measure will bring what he calls a “Rural Renaissance to ...
On the “Find Your Legislators” page, you can also check your voter registration card, contact your Supervisor of Elections, ...
If passed, SB 130 — or its House twin ( HB 59 ), which has one committee stop left — would repeal a unique Florida standard ...
Florida's SB 462 may raise highway speed limits to 75 mph and includes fiscal clauses for transportation funding.
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – The Florida Senate has unanimously passed Senate Bill 108, aiming to create transparency across the state and hold government agencies accountable. The bill, which would also make ...