Great-gran Frances Connolly came to her daughter "with six pence" after more than £100,000 of her lifesavings was withdrawn ...
Frances Connolly, 95, who is blind and hard of hearing and suffers from dementia, was taken to the Yorkshire Building Society ...
A pensioner was left with just six pence in her purse after her daughter transferred her entire life savings - £100,770.71 - ...
A distraught family have been told there is nothing they can do after their 95-year-old nan's life savings were drained from ...
Pat Kavanagh, 65, said ‘it feels like a grenade has been thrown in the middle of our family’ after seeing her retirement ...
The government agency that determined how old you had to be to rent a film or watch it in a Nova Scotia theatre is shutting ...
Frances Connolly, 95, had her entire life savings of £100,770 emptied from her Halifax bank account after her middle daughter ...
Pat Kavanagh's mum Frances Connolly pulled out her entire life savings - £100,770.71 which were given to her middle daughter, ...