Discovery Antiques isn’t just another stop on the tourist trail – it’s a time machine disguised as a shop, painted in a shade ...
EAST PROVIDENCE, R.I. (WPRI) — Motorcyclists in Rhode Island who ordered a shark license plate will get them just in time for motorcycle season. The Atlantic Shark Institute (ASI) announced ...
Vouchers are now on sale for a new specialty Oregon license plate that researchers hope will inspire people to think differently about the sharks living just off the Oregon coast.
The plates, featuring the endangered mako shark, have been the fastest-selling and most popular charity plates in Rhode Island. The motorcycle plates are expected to be available for pickup in May ...
(WJAR) — The popular shark plate is now going to be available for motorcycles, the Atlantic Shark Institute announced on Thursday. The institute says it has received the enough orders to create ...
Sharks will soon ride motorcycles in Rhode Island. Production will start on the motorcycle version of the Atlantic Shark Institute's charity license shark plates and should be available before ...
PORTLAND, Ore. — A new proposed shark license plate hopes to bring attention to Oregon's coastal sharks. Oregon State University is selling vouchers for a new "Vibrant Ocean" plate, where ...
(KATU) — Oregonians can now show their love for sharks with a brand-new license plate. Vouchers are now on sale for the "Vibrant Ocean" plate. It features three shark species commonly found in ...
Maybe it’s time for a new license plate that shouts fearlessness, tenacity and resilience. The “Vibrant Ocean” specialty plate features three shark species commonly found in Oregon.