And despite his overall fondness for fossil fuels and dismissal of climate change, Trump has shown a willingness to embrace ...
The Little Egg Harbor School District’s 2025-26 budget was introduced at the board of education’s March 11 meeting. Taxpayers are not going to be happy. The average local home is assessed at $208,000.
The most recent formal vote on a congressional term limits bill occurred in 1997. The bill proposed limiting House members to ...
Border czar Tom Homan gave up the game on Donald Trump’s revenge scheme to rob noncitizens of their legal rights under the ...
Democrats are expected to run for two state Assembly seats in Legislative District 24 as well as one seat on the Sussex ...
Union dues paid by New Jersey teachers are funding a candidate for governor. Eric Scott reveals how that is giving NJEA ...
Gov. Kim Reynolds’ proposal to require K-12 schools to restrict students from having their cellphones during classroom ...
Last year the nationwide total was $253 million, barely a blip in the overall federal budget, but a crucial funding source ...
THE BUZZ: BUILD, BABY, BUILD — The “abundance” movement born largely out of California has gone national thanks to a book of ...
Local governments in Iowa would be prohibited from having diversity, equity and inclusion offices under legislation passed by ...