Nestled away in the Indian Ocean, the bank’s seagrass habitats are being decimated by a multinational fleet of fishing ships ...
The Saya de Malha Bank is one of the world’s largest seagrass fields and the planet’s most important carbon sinks. It faces incalculable risks that threaten the future of humanity.
A study shows how the loss of Great white sharks from False Bay is disrupting the marine food web and threatening ocean ...
LISTEN to this eerie audio, which is the first-ever recording of noises made by sharks. Scientists were astounded when they realised they had captured sounds coming directly from the ...
When top ocean predators vanish, the ecosystems they leave behind don't just adapt—they transform in surprising and troubling ...
The United States reached deals on Tuesday (Mar 25) with Ukraine and Russia to pause attacks in the Black Sea and against ...
In ‘Destination Anywhere’ Melanie Oliveiro speaks to Chua Ming Lim, an aquarist from S.E.A. Aquarium at Resorts World Sentosa ...
Scientists believed sharks were silent killers but stunning new audio has captured the predators making sounds for the first ...
Researchers in New Zealand found that a small species of shark makes noises with their teeth when touched by humans — and now ...
Oceanic researchers proved that “Jaws” isn’t the silent killer it’s depicted as after recording shark noises for the first ...
Some experiences in life are so magical that they imprint on your memory forever. Our family’s private ecotour with Flippin’ ...