The near surface disposal facility (NSDF) proposed by the privately owned Canadian Nuclear Laboratories would be on a ridge one kilometre from the Ottawa River on the Chalk River Laboratories campus.
OTTAWA - The federal Liberal government signed an initial deal with Irving Shipbuilding for the Royal Canadian Navy’s new River-class destroyers. The implementation contract is worth $8 billion ...
One grant would help with a bridge over Bass River, a boardwalk, and a connection between the parking area at Max Bayou to ...
The federal Liberal government signed an initial deal with Irving Shipbuilding for the Royal Canadian Navy’s new River-class destroyers ... s aging destroyers. Ottawa has 15 of these advanced ...
A new notification system is being proposed at access points along the Chicago River to warn recreational users when ...
The Upper Illinois River Watershed Post-Fire Restoration Project is nearing its completion. Crews helped with the replanting ...
Nestled on the banks of the picturesque Ottawa River, the nation’s capital comes alive each spring and summer with festivals, inviting patios, a bustling downtown and not-to-be-missed cultural ...
If you've ever wondered why they dye the river green in Chicago, we've got you covered. Here's everything you need to know ...