The City of Ottawa says there’s currently no major river flooding in the forecast even though the capital region was battered ...
Slush canons, snow bots, and possibly heat pumps could help preserve ice on Ottawa’s Rideau Canal as winters shrink.
The leaders of First Nations across the province accused Ottawa this week of neglecting children, following recent changes ...
Ottawa will have a winter parking ban from 10 a.m. until 7 p.m. Saturday. Communities including Bancroft, Barry's Bay and Deep River should get hit first Friday afternoon and could see more than ...
After a Colorado low packed a punch across southern Ontario on Wednesday with rain and warmth, winter weather returns to the ...
Winter weather travel advisories and flash freeze warnings were issued first thing Thursday, as plunging temperatures, ...
Nearly all of eastern Ontario and western Quebec is in for a fresh dump of snow Friday, with close to 15 centimetres forecast ...