The Victorian government's bail reforms will become law, with the legislation passing both houses of parliament in a sitting ...
Legislation to outlaw machetes has sailed through parliament, but the Allan government has struck down attempts to fast-track ...
The controversial rollout of a LGBTQIA+ toolkit which instructs public library staff to ask young children whether they ...
The ABC’s Brett Worthington said that in Parliament House this week ... battling a huge summer bushfire in the Grampians in Victoria complained last month that mobile phone reception was ...
Those who value freedom of speech will be relieved that the Victorian government’s attempt to pass its anti-vilification ...
Parliament is set to consider new proposals that would see the House of Commons and Lords moved onto a floating barge in the Thames, as the cost of repairing the Victorian palace soars.
Police have reopened the area surrounding Parliament after confirming a package discovered near the House of Lords this ... following their investigation at Victoria Tower Gardens.
The “toughest bail laws in Australia” are on track to be rolled out in Victoria after the state opposition confirmed it would ...