Our brains are full of plastic. This was the fun news I read earlier this week while picking up dinner take-out, packed in plastic containers, crammed in a plastic bag and accompanied by Styrofoam ...
On a foggy morning in 2007, Rebecca Helm was strolling along California’s Monterey Bay, “picking up plastic like you do when you are in love with the ocean and want to protect it,” she recalls. Among ...
And the biggest of them all is called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. If you picked up each piece of plastic in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch you'd carry away about 1.8 trillion individual pieces.
beach or public area in their respective communities to pick up plastic waste starting from 8am on July 8. True to the movement’s adventurous spirit, not even rain could dampen participants ...
Last fall Break Free From Plastic, a coalition including Greenpeace and other groups, cleaned a beach on Freedom Island, which is advertised as an ecotourism district; volunteers picked up 54,260 ...
The ban on straws picked up momentum a year ago ... commitments from more than three dozen of them to only offer plastic straws upon request. In response, the council declared May 2018 as ...