Puck explains how it came to pass that Titania fell in love with Bottom whose head has been metamorphosed into that of a donkey's. Hermia is ordered by her father, to marry Demetrius, who is loved ...
As a proud third generation Ukrainian American, Choreographer Zachary Kapeluck infuses the ballet with traditions of his ...
In July, the Delacorte Theater will transform into the most enchanted forest in all of theater in Shakespeare’s beloved comedy, A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM. When the merry sprite Puck ...
Syracuse's Shakespeare in the Park presents Ken Ludwig’s “Shakespeare in Hollywood” at Jazz Central on East Washington St.
The last time the Guthrie Theater put on “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” Barack Obama was nearing the end of his presidency, Joe Dowling was closing out his 20-year artistic directorship and ...
The Three Inch Fools will present 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' at Kelburn Country Centre on July 16. A spokesperson said: "It’s Midsummer’s eve and deep in an enchanted forest mischief is stirring." ...
A Midsummer Night’s Dream is a play by William Shakespeare that tells the story of confused lovers and fairy magic. Themes are the main ideas that appear repeatedly in a play. Some of the ...
It’s officially spring this week, but in First State Ballet Theatre’s rehearsal studios summer is already here. In April, FSBT will present a new production of "A Midsummer Night’s Dream ...