OAKLAND, Calif. - A woman whose alleged abduction was caught on video has come forward to police, authorities said Thursday.
Archbishop of Detroit Allen Vigneron has led the Detroit archdiocese since 2009.
Oakland police released a short video on Thursday saying a woman had been kidnapped and punched two days earlier, and they needed help finding the man who took her.
The Honda was later found by police near Seminary Avenue and East 16th Street in East Oakland. Oakland police and a CHP helicopter scoured the area for any signs of either the man or the woman ...
The Christian Financial Credit Union Outreach & Impact Foundation awarded more than $26,000 in grants in February to metro ...
The crash happened at about 4 a.m. Monday in East Oakland, after an officer spotted a motorist going west on International Boulevard near Seminary Avenue at an “extremely high rate of speed ...
Sacred Heart Major Seminary: $7,500 in matching funds for the Seminary’s Giving Heart Day, with the goal of forming priests, deacons and lay leaders. • Family Tree: $1,000 to provide uniforms ...
The state has gradually lowered standards for decades, and has replaced them with radical activist causes, among which being ...
Not only did Wednesday mark the start of Lent, the Christian season before Easter, it also marked the end of an era. Detroit Archbishop Allen Vigneron, who is retiring, celebrated his last Ash ...