The duo transformed the abandoned home for the BBC One programme Amanda and Alan’s Spanish Job - and it's now available to ...
The Andalusian townhouse restored by Amanda Holden and Alan Carr in BBC Two's Amanda and Alan's Spanish Job is for sale.
Former Tate Modern director Vicente Todolí founded Todolí Citrus Fundació to preserve rare citrus varieties and compile a ...
U.S. distributors and other buyers are being offered access to seven European documentaries screening at CPH:DOX.
The 27th edition of the Full Frame Documentary Film Festival, launching on April 3, will feature a lineup of 34 feature ...
Licensed. Gate Village 3, DIFC, (04 347 0003). Stunning beachfront restaurant Gigi Rigolatto offers a bit of everything – a fancy dining room, two sun-dappled terraces, pool, beach, ...
While everyone knows Sicily, many haven’t heard of the archipelago ... we arrived at the top of the mountain. The tiny village of Siurana is home to just 24 people, some of whom run the 6-room hotel ...
Stay updated with the latest global travel and hospitality industry insights. Since 1999, TravelDailyNews International ...
This deliberately paced Italian film about a family in a small village during the closing months of World War II is one of ...