The pelagic thresher shark (Alopias pelagicus) is a highly migratory species found in tropical and ... [+] subtropical waters of the Indo-Pacific, often known for its long, whip-like tail.
With his magnificent underwater images, Gerardo del Villar wants to rehabilitate the reputation of the ocean’s great ...
A surfer who was attacked by a shark off the coast of Australia on Monday is presumed dead, police said Tuesday. Officials received reports of the attack around 12:10 p.m. local time on Monday ...
The biggest, most formidable shark to have ever roamed the ocean may have been even larger than previously thought, according to a new study. The research, published Sunday in the journal “ ...
Donato’s design features a salmon shark in the center, with two blue sharks on the left and a common thresher shark on the right. The shark plate is the most recent in a series of specialty ...
What’s more, he and his coauthors posit that megalodon was slenderer than previously thought, closer in build to a sleek lemon shark than a chunky great white, according to the study published ...
Footage has surfaced showing an Australia-based shore fisherman hooking a small fish, which was subsequently attacked by a larger fish, and ultimately by a much larger shark. “This guy just ...
A Canadian tourist lost both hands and suffered severe thigh injuries after a shark attack near Turks and Caicos islands. Her husband confronted the six-foot predator while she managed to reach ...
A Canadian tourist lost both her hands when she tried to take a picture with a 6-foot shark while swimming in Turks and Caicos and it bit her. The 55-year-old woman was snorkeling off ...
A 1,653-pound great white shark named Contender was again tracked off the Florida coast, this time on Valentine's Day. Contender is the biggest male great white shark ever tagged by the nonprofit ...
By Tim Balk A Canadian tourist trying to photograph a shark in shallow water at a beach in the Turks and Caicos Islands this month was bitten by the shark and lost both of her hands, officials said.
Select an option below to continue reading this premium story. Already a Honolulu Star-Advertiser subscriber? Log in now to continue reading. Florida once again topped the list of locations with ...