The overfishing of walleye from Lake Erie has potential consequences including fines, ODNR warns. How many walleye are ...
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife’s law enforcement officers assigned to Lake Erie recently ...
Michigan DNR is set to collect walleye eggs from the Muskegon River near Croton Dam using electrofishing, aiming for 26 ...
Capt. A.J. Cwiok and John Carlson share Fish of the Week honors with big walleye caught and released from different rivers.
Ten anglers on Lake Erie recently paid the price for “double tripping,” which is not to be confused with double dipping.
Double dipping is when someone is rehired for a government job after retiring from the same position in order to start ...
Every year, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources does something near the Croton Dam in Newaygo County that directly ...
MICHIGAN, USA — The Grand River is a popular spot right now with the Steelhead swimming up stream. It may be one of the ...
I have often said if God put me in charge, we’d have 10 Octobers and two Aprils. As we head into my second-favorite month of ...
Expect to see more DNR crews around the Croton Dam in the next few weeks. Personnel will be on the grounds for several days ...