The Seguin Trail follows part of the historic route of the Ottawa, Arnprior & Parry Sound ... to help you plan your trip and a detailed online map showing their entire trail network.
Wetlands are regions of land that are generally saturated with water. However, when rain causes water to pool on land, it does not constitute a wetland. More specifically, wetlands are areas where ...
The Canton Topgolf project would involve filling 7.5 acres of wetlands, including a rare forested wetland type. The EPA has objected to the project's wetlands permit, citing concerns about ...
The Citizen invited Ottawa candidates from the four major provincial ... We can ensure food security, and protect our farmlands and wetlands. What’s missing is people who care.
Around 50 people are without vehicles after a parking garage partially collapsed in the downtown core of Ottawa early Wednesday morning, Ottawa Fire Services says. The firefighters said an alert ...
It’s going to be a sweet year for Bluesfest as Ottawa’s biggest summer music festival unveils a program that casts a wide net in its ability to lure patrons.
Malynndra Tome was helping to map livestock ponds in the Navajo Nation when she saw something that inspired her to act. An elderly woman was filling milk jugs with water at the back of a gas ...
Look for bald eagles near their preferred habitats such as rivers, wetlands and lakes. Ottawa County led the state with 90 nests found during the 2020 census. At least one nest was found in every ...
A new tool to help identify areas for conservation and restoration is the recently released European Wetland Map, which merges different types of geographic information system (GIS) data to create ...