Six classic PS3 and Xbox 360 games, including some of the best games from this generation of gaming, are free for a limited ...
Inspired by the N64: Recompiled project, XenonRecomp does something similar, except for the PowerPC-equipped Microsoft Xbox 360 game console. Based around the triple-core IBM CPU codenamed ...
There's no doubt that Microsoft's Xbox 360 was the most successful of the company's many game consoles since the Xbox division launched in 2001. One of the features of the Xbox 360 that is still ...
The original Xenon processor’s architecture implements 3 PPC via the PowerPC instruction set created by IBM. Therefore, the tool directly converts everything it come across into x86 but not in a ...
A Gears of War Collection compiling all three games from the original trilogy has been rumored for a long, long time, but ...
If you were browsing Pure Xbox yesterday, you may have spotted a story from our friends at Time Extension about a new Xbox 360 recompilation tool that offers up some crazy possibilities for reviving ...
All you need is an Xbox 360, a USB drive and two specific games to access homebrews or previously region-locked titles.