“Omaha” follows a recently widowed father (John Magaro), who takes his two children (Molly Belle Wright, Wyatt Solis) on a ...
"Omaha," a movie mostly filmed in Utah, had its premiere at the 2025 Sundance Film Festival on Thursday. Audiences ...
There are many longstanding traditions in this entertainment industry of ours, and one of them — not necessarily the greatest ...
Cole WebleyScreenwriter: Robert Machoian Logline: After a family tragedy, siblings Ella (Molly Belle Wright) and Charlie ...
PARK CITY — A Utah crew got to enjoy the spotlight at the Sundance Film Festival during the premiere of the movie "Omaha" ...
As Sundance considers moving out of Utah, the indie film community weighs how much of its identity is rooted in Park City.
In Omaha, John Magaro offers a heartbreaking turn alongside a pair of talented child actors, but the film's point of view ...
Omaha is a small, delicate film marked by few momentous narrative incidents. Yet Cole Webley’s directorial debut has ...
A review of the Sundance Dramatic Competition entry, 'Omaha' with John Magaro as a dad taking his kids on a journey through ...
Cole Webley’s debut feature, penned by ‘The Killing of Two Lovers’ writer-director Robert Machoian and premiering in competition at Sundance, follows a family road trip in the wake of shattering loss.
John Magaro stars in a tenderly devastating debut feature alongside two child actors who astound with the spontaneity of their heartfelt performances.
Premiering at Sundance (US Dramatic Competition), and clocking in at a brief 82 minutes, it presents as a small American road ...