The My Hero Academia universe is filled with countless bizarre and dangerous quirks that play a crucial role in the power struggle between good and evil. Among these abilities, Overclock is one of the ...
This Friday also has something stored for everyone. Hence, have a look at the theatrical releases of this week.
You're Next, an anime film theatrical release date in India is set. Based on the manga by Kohei Horikoshi, My Hero Academia: You're Next is the fourth movie in the series.
K ohei Horikoshi, the creator of My Hero Academia, recently posted new artwork of Eraser Head on X (formerly Twitter), and ...
The seventh season of My Hero Academia saw Eraserhead joining his students on the battlefield, attempting to use his Quirk to ...
My Hero Academia is one of the most popular anime of the 2010s. Could its success be due to the similarity of its story to ...