Spread the loveIn another heartbreaking story, a one-year-old Australian shepherd never thought he would be at a noisy, high kill shelter. Dallas’ future looks grim. At Miami-Dade Animal Services in ...
Spread the loveA beautiful three-year-old Saint Bernard had once belonged to someone, but just days before Christmas in the Houston, Texas area, he fell out of the back of a moving pickup truck. He ...
Spread the loveCALLING BIG DOG LOVERS! City of Stockton Animal Shelter has once again become the temporary home for Preston. Early this week Preston was returned to the shelter. According to shelter ...
Spread the loveAt the Valley Animal Center in Fresno, California, an adorable three-year-old Chihuahua mix named Jodi has had it very tough. Just recently he was returned to the shelter for the FIFTH ...