What do you think of when you hear Punxsutawney Phil? Many will say Groundhog Day, but what are the origins of Punxsutawney Phil? Read more to find out.
PETA is pitching an edible alternative to Punxsutawney Phil predicting the weather this upcoming Groundhog Day: A cake that when cut is blue or pink.
If the vegan cake has a blue interior when it's cut, it would mean six more weeks of winter. Pink would signal an early spring.
Groundhog day originally came from an old tradition called Candlemas Day that started in the United States in 1887 in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania.
In a Jan. 20 statement, PETA announced that it has offered the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club a free vegan cake every year if it allows Punxsutawney Phil to retire.
Texas-style on February 2 as Bee Cave Bob the armadillo will predict either an early spring or prolonged winter for the 15th year.
In a letter to the president of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club's Inner Circle, PETA suggests replacing live groundhogs with a gender reveal-style vegan cake. PETA said they'd provide the cake every year in exchange for letting Punxsutawney Phil retire.
The proposed dessert would instead reveal a blue filling if the cold weather is expected to continue, with pink frosting indicating an early spring.
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The countdown is on toward a day known to many throughout history as Candlemas Day, but which today is known best as Groundhog Day.
It’s that time of the year!