Accurate monitoring of particle size and growth is essential to ensure scalability in the development of transfection vectors for gene delivery.
The Department of Science, Technology, and Society offers coursework and programs that bridge the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and engineering to provide a better understanding of ...
Apple says it is repairing a glitch with its speech-to-text feature on iPhones which interprets the word "racist" as "Trump" before autocorrecting itself. The US technology giant said it is ...
1 At conferences like Pittcon, where analytical chemistry and life science collide, CRISPR’s growing influence is unmistakable, taking a prominent place in the Bioanalytical & Life Sciences and ...
France’s Macron and India’s Modi have teamed up to co-host an AI summit as the US and China race ahead.
The minor is interdisciplinary and offered jointly by the School of Physics and Astronomy and the Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science. In a broad sense, the aim of physics is to develop ...
We also host the Leverhulme Research Centre for Forensic Science. Our academic expertise and testing facilities in research, consultancy, and service testing, mean we can assist in near-market product ...
Something photographers have been waiting for; Aperture 3 finally brings all the features we know and love in iPhoto ’09, and meshes them with a new and improved Aperture software set.