As many people find green to wear today and head to a local pub for a green beer, the meaning behind St. Patrick’s Day goes ...
On the eve of St. Patrick’s Day, the city of New London was transformed into New Dublin as the city prepares for the biggest ...
With St. Patrick’s Day approaching, grocery stores and nurseries will be selling “shamrocks." As someone of Irish descent, I ...
Around St. Patrick’s Day, grocery stores or floral shops sell “shamrock” plants. This imposter is a plant from the genus Oxalis, a member of the wood sorrel family. It hails from mountainous regions ...
With March now upon us, St. Patrick’s Day is right around the corner. But Leprechauns, green beer and pots of gold aside, there is another traditional symbol associated with the ...
AD, a missionary who earlier assumed the name Patricius, arrived in Ireland with the objective of converting the Celtic Irish to Christianity. Legend has it that he used a small, three-leafed plant to ...
Hogtown will turn into a little slice of the Emerald Isle on Saturday, March 15, when the third annual Shamrock Shuffle returns ... invited to dress in theirr favorite green gear, bring your Irish ...
The plants commonly sold as shamrocks are Oxalis species, also known as wood sorrels, and they have a fascinating history tied to both legend and gardening. The shamrock is deeply rooted in Irish ...
It has been a busy week in Ballinskelligs as local workers harvest this year's crop of Shamrock in preparation for St Patrick's day festivities around the world. It is Shamrock grown in rural Kerry ...
The plants commonly sold as shamrocks are Oxalis species, also known as wood sorrels, and they have a fascinating history tied to both legend and gardening. The shamrock is deeply rooted in Irish ...
According to history, St. Patrick was a missionary to Ireland and he became an adored figure for Irish Catholics as the ... phenomenon - the now traditional shamrock ceremony in the White House ...
They're also believed to enhance one's reputation and career. The Oxalis, or Lucky Shamrock Plant, is believed to bring good luck and features three-lobed foliage and delicate flowers. It's ...