The town of Long Lake has been named the sole beneficiary of any proceeds earned by the expected sale of a 36,600-acre property in the central Adirondacks previously owned by Saratoga Socialite ...
An aerial photo of the Whitney Park estate. Long Lake’s financial picture blossomed unexpectedly this winter as the historic lumber town found out it is designated as the sole beneficiary of all ...
Property will be listed soon, with sale proceeds to benefit Long Lake. Questions remain about whether the state or land trusts could play a role.
According to the release, the Town of Long Lake, located in the Adirondack Mountains of Hamilton County, N.Y., is home to approximately 800 residents and is a year-round vacation destination.
Long Lake is a small mountain community in the heart of New York's Adirondack Mountains. This year-round destination is ...
LONG LAKE — The Town of Long Lake will be the sole beneficiary of the expected sale of Whitney Park. The 36,600-acre property includes 22 lakes and ponds, more than 100 miles of undeveloped ...
LONG LAKE, N.Y. (NEWS10)– The town of Long Lake was named the sole beneficiary of net proceeds from the sale of Whitney Park in the Adirondacks. The designation was announced at a special ...