The first Pokémon route looks rather archaic today, considering that it’s just a straight shot between Pallet Town and ...
To get Dynamax Chansey in Pokémon Go, you need to take part in a three-star Max Battle against one. If you defeat Dynamax ...
Machoke is the evolved form of Machop and is a pure Fighting-type Pokémon. It evolves into Machamp through trading, which is ...
One of the only fossil Pokémon to not evolve, the abominations against Arceus itself don’t count, is Aerodactyl. The iconic ...
Some players would love this rumored feature, but many worry it's another step in the wrong direction for Pokemon Go.
Pokémon TCG Heat Wave Arena is a small but mighty set, featuring impeccable art. Here are the 10 most expensive Heat Wave Arena chase cards.
We’ve outlined five of the most positive and five of the most negative aspects that switching to a dynamic battling system ...
During the Quaquaval Tera Raids, there will also be special Mass Outbreaks for Charcadet, Smoliv, Finizen, Applin, Sewaddle, Poliwag, Porygon, Scyther, and Lapras in Paldea, Kitakami, and the Terarium ...
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet players now have a new Seven-Star Tera Raid to challenge, with this bout pitting teams against a ...
It's Quaquaval's turn on the raid docket in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet; here's everything you'll need to know before its raid ...
Throughout the series' 29-year history, the Pokémon series has produced over 20 main series games and countless spinoffs, all ...