Waco Family Medicine, which provides health care to 74,000 people annually, will close some of its smaller clinics and ...
As Jesse Rubio reflected on the 20 years since that tragic March day, he recognized a positive outcome from the tragedy: a ...
The Texas Lottery announced on Friday that a Lubbock resident won a $1 Million scratch off ticket. According to a press, ...
Longview firefighters have been helping to put out fires all across Texas this past month. LIST: East Texas counties ...
The State of Texas’ iWatchTexas Community Reporting System app has been tweaked to allow the reporting of suspicious ...
The Pauline Road fire is threatening the Houston area. The Legislature needs to act to help Texas A&M Forest Service fire ...
Tesla, whose pioneering electric vehicles were once a symbol of forward-thinking sustainability, increasingly finds itself ...
"Turn around, don't drown is one of the simplest statements that you can remember to save you and your family's lives," says Parker. "It's kind of like changing your smoke detector batteries or 'Don't ...
The Harvey Washbanger has served College Station for more than 20 years, but now, that business is gone due to a structure ...
"This is a key component to our strategic plan in getting those brush trucks to respond rapidly to really help us with our wildfire incidents," Austin Fire Chief Joel Baker said Sunday. The ...
BASTROP COUNTY, Texas — Evacuations ... the entirety of the fire. There were still active flames and spots coming from inside the perimeter. The Bastrop Fire Department assisted in the response.
The Boston Fire Department threw a birthday party for 5-year-old Lincoln Stanger, who has been waiting for nearly a year for a heart transplant. Stanger, who wants to be a firefighter himself ...