It's confirmed: the orca has targeted the great white sharks of Australia. A recent study, published in the scientific ...
It’s not clear whether the orca is a true albino or its white coloring was caused by another medical condition.
Jaws is one of the most influential blockbusters in film history. In fact, it is often considered one of the first blockbusters. While it came out in 1975, it’s beloved to this day by audiences, with ...
Some amazing horror/thriller films have been made over the decades, but few can match the pure power of Jaws. Celebrating its ...
In a breathtaking moment captured on camera, a 60-year-old orca named Sophia was filmed taking down a great white shark off the coast of South Africa. This rare footage was shot as part of National ...
Tiger sharks have excellent sense of smell and sight. Image via Kris Mikael Krister, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons A ...
If you need a little break from [gestures broadly], well, everything, The Americas is here to help bring a bit of joy and peace to your screens. The new NBC nature docuseries returns for its third ...
Tiger sharks are “among the largest of the sharks,” with the largest recorded at 18 ft. long, according to the Florida Museum of Natural History (FMNH). Despite their size, they are also referred to ...
Ningaloo Reef is one of the best preserved reefs left out there. Tourism Western Australia Every grade schooler knows that Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest. The stuff of ...
Picture: Facebook Barning has taken part in fishing competitions for decades, and in 2021 reeled in a huge 394kg tiger shark. Picture: Facebook/Port Hacking Game Fishing Club A "malfunction with ...
The video recorded earlier this month shows divers feeding tiger sharks in the Bahamas when one creature bit off a diver's camera. First shared by ABC Network, the video shows the shark snapping ...
As one of the divers with Nascimento opened a crate of fish to toss to several tiger sharks, one of them snapped at the diver holding a camera. The shark kept biting and eventually partially ...