When one thinks of antisubmarine warfare (ASW) weapons of World War II, chances are the depth charge is the first weapon that comes to mind. This is understandable, since it was certainly the ...
The March 1945 crossings, by Patton and Montgomery's forces, gave the Allies beachheads with which to invade Germany.
She was a little girl. Her world was turned upside down. But she maintained her determination and hopefulness,” said friend and author Kristen Arute ...
The study, published last week by Aston University researchers in the journal i-Perception, recreated one of the few solid ...
A reanalysis of a 1919 study suggests that a separate illusion, the "horizon effect," played a bigger role in warping visual ...
As Hitler's Panzers rolled across France towards Dunkirk in 1940, Alice Barber opened her local paper to read that her ...