Claudio Castagnoli is clearly a big fan of the Warhammer 40K universe, with numerous references to it on his latest ring gear ...
Games Workshop is showcasing some of the rules of the Sanctifiers coming in Wahammer 40,000: Kill Team. It's time for fire ...
Warmachine has always been years ahead of Warhammer 40k for its digital rules, and it’s added another tiny feature that’s so ...
Goatboy here to figure out whats up with the confusing hot mess of missing plastic and legal resin Daemons minis in 40K.
The twenty Primarchs are some of the most powerful beings in Warhammer 40,000. Genetic creations of the Emperor himself, they ...
The community is excited to witness Space Marine 3. Considering the lengths Saber went to craft its biggest hit, it proves that the studio is committed to its project. However, one Warhammer 40k fan ...
The game director explained that these events would cause him to create his own Chapter in Space Marine 3, distancing himself ...
Famous for his work on,000, Kopinski is unable to work due to illness, but fans have rushed to support him via fundraiser.
Space Marine 3 could feature diverse enemies like Genestealer Cults, Death Guard, Orks, Iron Warriors, Chaos Knights, ...
Nothing, because following the massive success of 2024's Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2, GamesWorkshop has announced that ...
One by one, the barriers to gaming bliss on Snapdragon laptops are falling. Back in November, a new build of Windows brought ...
In the announcement, Saber Interactive explained that the upcoming sequel will continue the adventures of Ultramarine Captain Demetrian Titus. After the already-massive battles of the second game, the ...