No one was more pleased to cancel the March 4 school governing board meeting than the board members themselves. This was the meeting at which they were to have discussed cuts to school spending if ...
City leaders took the next step in their attempt to deal with what they see as the ongoing distractions to traffic by protesters on the overpass in Lafayette by formally requesting help from state ...
Moraga's Fiscal Year 2022-23 Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets were adopted in June 2022. The mid-year report gives the opportunity to assess any revenues and expenditures thus far, as well as ...
According to the 2013 California Healthy Kids Survey, which was administered to all four of the AUHSD schools that year, more than 900 students from the Acalanes Union High School District (AUHSD) ...
Camino Pablo Elementary School students and families help prepare and serve dinner at St. Mary's Center in Oakland. Photo provided Several Camino Pablo Elementary School families went to Oakland Jan.
(StatePoint) More and more people are turning to heat pumps to heat and cool their homes. It is estimated that 18 million American households already use them. With new energy incentives being offered ...
"No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth, and no culture comparable to that of the garden." -Thomas Jefferson Throw open your windows! Inhale the sweet smells of the blossoms.
What a difference a week makes. Lamorinda residents were hit with weather whiplash during the week of Feb. 20, with 70-degree weather, sunny skies and a blanket of daffodil blooms gracing hillsides on ...
Scott Parker is nothing if not persistent; passionate and stubborn may also be words used to describe the Moraga resident. What began more than three years ago as a way to kill a few hours while his ...
Since 2004, what high school sport, percentage wise, can claim to have the fastest growing group of participants? In all likelihood, you've guessed incorrectly. It's wrestling. No, it's not the boys ...
This past weekend Diablo Alliance water polo won Gold in the 12 and under platinum division of the Kap7 International tournament in Huntington Beach. The event featured 21 of the top teams in the ...
The St. Perpetua third grade girls basketball team won the West Diablo CYO playoff championship at Tice Valley to cap an undefeated season. The team had two hard fought wins in the playoffs against ...