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  1. Copilot Answer

    List of regions of Canada - Wikipedia

    • The list of regions of Canada is a summary of geographical areas on a hierarchy that ranges from national (groups of provinces and territories) at the top to local regions and sub-regions of provinces at the bottom. Administrative regions that rank below a province and above a municipality are also included if they have a comprehensive range of functions compared to t… See more

    National regions

    The provinces and territories are sometimes grouped into regions, listed here from west to east by province, … See more

    Inter-provincial regions

    An inter-provincial region includes more than one province or territory but does not usually include the entirety of each province or territory in the group. However, the geographic or cultural features that characteriz… See more

    Provincial regions

    The provinces and territories are nearly all sub-divided into regions for a variety of official and unofficial purposes. The geographic regions are largely unofficial and therefore somewhat open to interpretati… See more