Magdalene – Artikel Perempuan Berperspektif Feminisme/Gender
Magdalene adalah media online berisi artikel dan podcast perempuan, feminisme, lifestyle, beauty, sosial, politik, berperspektif gender.
The Scents of Home - Magdalene.co
Aug 3, 2020 · Every city or town I have lived in evokes a kaleidoscope of memories, and they are all accompanied by different scents. My memories of early childhood, which were spent in Tokyo, are fuddled, but some are still strongly imprinted in my mind: our housing area in Senzoku-Ike, situated near a lake where we’d rent rowing boats in summer, the kiddie pool in our community garden and the strange ...
Redaksi Magdalene
Magdalene is a women-focused publication that provides content and perspectives that are inclusive, critical, empowering and entertaining.We channel the voices of feminists, pluralists and progressive groups. We believe in inclusive, diverse and solution journalism, and we want to be a safe space for you to be you.
English - Magdalene
Dec 9, 2022 · Magdalene.co adalah media online berisi artikel dan podcast perempuan, feminisme, seksualitas, lifestyle, beauty, sosial, politik, berperspektif gender.
English Archives - Magdalene.co
Liga Korupsi Indonesia: Mana Korupsi dengan Jumlah Paling Bombastis? Setelah Kejaksaan Agung (Kejagung) mengungkap kasus dugaan korupsi dalam tata kelola minyak mentah dan produk kilang di Pertamina, warganet mulai ramai membandingkan jumlah korupsi yang
Magdalene – Artikel Perempuan Berperspektif Feminisme/Gender
Dec 6, 2022 · Magdalene.co adalah media online berisi artikel dan podcast perempuan, feminisme, seksualitas, lifestyle, beauty, sosial, politik, berperspektif gender.
Lessons from Running a media company during the pandemic - Magdalene.co
Sep 15, 2021 · When Indonesia’s first COVID-19 patients came to light in March 2020, Magdalene, the independent media company that I co-founded in 2013 had just recently celebrated moving into our new office.It is a 60sqm space split into two stories in a quiet shop/office building in the middle of an apartment complex.
FAQ - Magdalene.co
Yes, everyone with shared value can collaborate with Magdalene. Those who are focused on gender equality, women empowerment, youth empowerment, workplace equality, economic empowerment, social inclusion, social justice, mental health, sexual and reproductive health rights, diversity, and gender and sexual minorities, and …
Breastfeeding - Magdalene
Dec 19, 2013 · Magdalene.co adalah media online berisi artikel dan podcast perempuan, feminisme, seksualitas, lifestyle, beauty, sosial, politik, berperspektif gender.
Give Adoption a Chance - Magdalene.co
Jan 30, 2014 · Give Adoption a Chance Can't have a child? Adopt, says this guy. Read his story and find out how adopting may be the best way to build your family.