A Link Between Worlds Gear Guide - Link's Hideaway
Our A Link Between Worlds Gear Guide will tell you the location of each pieces of gear in the game. The A Link Between Worlds gear is scattered across Lorule and Hyrule. Each piece of A Link Between Worlds gear below is located on the gear screen in-game. For the items screen please check our Items Guide.. A Link Between Worlds Gear
Breath of the Wild Walkthrough - Link's Hideaway
Our Breath of the Wild Walkthrough covers the story of the game with guides to cover 100% completion. Our strategy guide will be updated over time to include screenshots and any pertinent information. The main walkthrough will cover the Main Quests of the game and our side quest and shrine quest guides will cover the rest of the quests in the game. ...
Link's Awakening Switch Bosses Guide - Link's Hideaway
Our Link's Awakening Switch Bosses guide will detail where to find and how to defeat every boss in Link's Awakening.In Link's Awakening, dungeon bosses are called Nightmares.This guide covers Nightmares (Dungeon Bosses), Mini-Bosses, Overworld Bosses, and the Final Boss.. Link's Awakening Switch Nightmares Moldorm. Boss of Tail Cave. The boss of Tail Cave is …
Link's Awakening Switch Walkthrough - Zelda Guides - Link's …
Our Link's Awakening Switch walkthrough will guide you through completing the main quest of the game and completing it 100%. We also have other guides to assist you in completing optional parts of the game in more detail - from getting the boomerang, finding secret seashells, or even obtaining all of the heart containers - we have you covered!
Part 12: Faron Temple - Echoes of Wisdom Walkthrough
Faron Temple. The Faron Temple dungeon is quite unique in that it is not as linear as the other dungeons in the game. There are multiple entrances and exits that you'll need to navigate. Head through the main entrance of the dungeon and activate the waypoint.
Skyward Sword Gear Guide - Link's Hideaway
Skyward Sword Gear. Our Skyward Sword Gear Guide details where to find and the purpose of every item in Skyward Sword.This includes weapons, shields, equipment, and medals.Check out our other guides for help on obtaining anything not listed here.. Swords. Sword Upgrades in Skyward Sword are only acquired via main story quests scattered throughout the game. . They …
Part 5: Jabul Waters - Echoes of Wisdom Walkthrough
Canyon. We'll now be heading for the Jabul Waters rift as part of the "Searching for Everyone" main quest. You can begin by warping to the waypoint south of Hyrule Castle Town.You'll then want to head east over the bridge that's north of Lake Hylia towards the marker on your map.. When you get to the cross roads, you can check out the boulder to the southwest next to a …
Part 9: Sacred Meadow - Ocarina of Time Walkthrough - Link's …
Note: In the house where there used to be that guard that encouraged you to break the pots, there is now a strange, hooded man who asks for Poe. Head back to Kokiri Forest. There are some unwelcome visitors waiting for Link here, but for the most part the monsters can be easily avoided or killed.
Echoes of Wisdom Walkthrough - Link's Hideaway
Our Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom walkthrough will guide you through finishing the main quest of the game and completing it 100%. It will be a step-by-step strategy guide that lead you through each dungeon, solving all puzzles, and obtaining all collectibles and upgrades. If you are looking for something more specific, we will have other guides to assist you in completing …
The Wind Waker HD Walkthrough - Link's Hideaway
The Wind Waker HD walkthrough below will take the player through completing the main story of the Wind Waker HD. The walkthrough will be a comprehensive guide covering all items, heart pieces, side-quests, and other parts of the game. Our Wind Waker HD walkthrough will include screenshots once finished in order to help the player understand the text used.